Patterns of Reason

3.2 Connecting

In order to survive, or to spend less resources doing so, an agent in the world seeks connection with elements of the environment, including other people. Therefore…

Designs that address people’s connection, collaboration, mutual feedback are more successful in addressing agent’s problem, since they will involve multiple perspectives.

Lorem Ipsum dorem est
— Author

How was this touched on in Main Pattern?

Optimal Grip, conforming theory

  • Not just to tribe, but to “environment” that affords belonging. “Optimal grip” between agent and the arena

Pattern or form (morphodynamics) connecting agent and the environment

  • Storing information better in this context (more care?)

  • Sense of belonging to reality, to universe. Faith

  • connections <&>significance (personality needs)

Seek acceptance, avoid rejection

  • sense of belonging to ingroup is also against the outgroup

  • Togetherness

  • synthesis

  • Symbol vs Diabol

  • Sabornost see wikipedia

  • Shared action, experience as connecting tissue

  • mimicking others in the tribe, conformity, proven feedback loop

  • social proof

  • functioning in isolation (individual) is a no go, need to be "person" that is known by others, so fundamentally a person belongs to a group

  • "They self" inauthentic (Heideger)

3.2.1 Acknowledgment

Reality, environment acknowledges agent’s existence, role,

  • Seen - heard - valued

  • Attending (paying attention to) values

  • Ego

  • Mastery

  • Autonomy

    • Never split the difference, respect peep’s autonomy

  • We get a sense of identity and self worth from the way Others talk to us and relate to us, acknowledge us

  • Self-affirmation (Tilich)

  • Dan Ariely and story of LEGO assembly

  • fear of not being significant, not playing a role, or have purpose in team, family, community - anxiety or meaninglessness of participation

  • We become persons in the way others acknowledge us! Parents who ackowledge and attend children with agape

3.2.2 Care


Ethos of belonging, signs, buchanan


Insist on the right of humanity and nature to co-exist in a healthy, supportive, diverse and sustainable condition. - Hannover

Motivations avoid: pain, fear, social rejection

Motivations seek: pleasure, hope, social acceptance

3.2.3 Identity

Dave Snowden “IDENTITY is fluid in humans, we move between roles depending on context and have developed rituals by which we can temporarily align our identity with a role for collective purpose (crews). We have also developed (again using that symbolic capability) collective identities which can align actions (a form of assemblage)healthy identity, vs slave identity”

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
— Mark Twain
  • Lorem

  • Lorem


3.1 Surviving


3.3 Becoming