Patterns of Actions

2.3 Understanding

Agents understand or make sense of the world through enacting, engaging, participating in it, caring deeply for it through the care for their value creating tasks. They do it through a role, that is, part they play in a larger whole, the whole that is defined by its purpose. Therefore…

Be very critical to designs that are contextless or for “everybody”. Focus on understanding the agent’s problem and context, first and foremost, and quite a bit later on possible solution. Changing frame of looking at the problem might even render the problem obsolete, or not worth interfering with.

Life comes when you have knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, when you can see for real, touch, and feel for real, know for real. Then you are truly living.

How was this touched on in Main Pattern?

To understand something means to have a deep and thorough comprehension of it, to be able to see it from multiple perspectives, and to appreciate wholeness, complexity, and nuances of the observed thing itself but also of its environment and the connections between the two. This process requires humility, which is the willingness to accept that one's own knowledge or perspective may be incomplete or inadequate, and to be open to perspectives of others.

  • It also requires curiosity, which is the desire to explore, learn, and discover new things. This involves asking questions, seeking out new information, and being open to new ideas and experiences.

  • Perspective taking is another important aspect of understanding, which involves the ability to see things from different points of view and to consider the experiences and perspectives of others. This can help to broaden one's own perspective and to deepen one's understanding of the world.

  • Participating in the lives and experiences of others is another key aspect of understanding. This involves engaging with others in a genuine and authentic way, and being willing to listen, learn, and share. This can help to build empathy, trust, and mutual understanding.

  • Finally, understanding requires vulnerability, which is the willingness to be open, honest, and transparent about one's own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can help to create a sense of connection and intimacy, and can facilitate deeper understanding.

  • Overall, to understand something requires effort, care, and a willingness to engage with others in a deep and meaningful way. It involves a commitment to learning, growing, and being open to new ideas and perspectives.

4E cognition (embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended)

Rational vs irrational (kahneman) we use intuition, emotions, biases most of the time!!!

  • Ian McGillchrist right hempisphere gives us gestalt of the situation, the left one focuses of manipulative details

Logical vs rational. AI can logicaly connect things into patterns. Rational beings are driven by goal, meaning, care, purpose, not pure logic. CARE!! (How things ought to be! Science only how things ARE, claiming that things are inherently purposeless) Father of sick child story)

open yourself to truly understand the design problem - break your frame “immature designers are the ones with hammer that look for nails everywhere”

Kahneman Systems 1 and 2

  • McGillchrist 2 hemspheres

2.3.1 Personal


Agent in the world continuously situates itself in the ever changing context by receiving feedback from the environment which is understood in the way that is always relevant for the agent and it’s domain of interest. Perception ACtion loop. Active Inference

Personal understanding does not mean memorizing information. Nature of information (link to that pattern) Written information might be someone else’s understanding that does not necessarely transfer to personal understanding.

(antipattern: First order thinking is the process of considering the intended and perhaps obvious implications of a business decision or policy change. (linear!) Expert thinking, intelligence in a (one) field)

First principle thinking (deep to the core)

  • 5 whys

  • understanding by doing, prototyping, reaction, participating

    • then iterating, seeking whole-ness

Conciousnessnes is a perceptual and motor attainment to the world. Ina human case this attainment is primarily to an environment of meaningful symbols and the intentional actions of others. (Mind in Life, Thompson, Merleu Ponty)

  • understanding with attention (Matter with Things, McGilchrist)

  • Understanding by participation,

  • understanding by mimicking, role of mentor

  • “Unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates

  • Dharma = Logos

  • Reframing

  • Empathy, changing perspectives, break frame, make frame

    • vdn_contraint-cards-Jared.pdf

  • Moods and emotions (heideger)

  • Awareness that I do not know or can not do is vulnerability

  • Problem of misunderstanding (language) - ill defined questions (language) also 2 ways of talking - Wittgenstain

    • reliance on propositional aspect of problem, lacking perspectival and participatory

  • similar to above, phili sophia vs phili nikea - winning the argument

  • we understand from details to gestalt, from gestalt to details, continuously

  • sense making, assigning meaning to elements of the environment from the frame (mindset, paradigm we occupy)

  • Second order thinking is the process of tracing down and unraveling the implications of those first order impacts.

    • peripheral vision, perspectival thinking

  • Dunning Kruger

  • data - information - (propositional) knowledge - intelligence - expertise | rationality - wisdom

  • Indwelling - internalizing (the sage)

  • Left and Right hemisphere understanding Ian McGillchrist

2.3.2 Distributed

no more polymaths, learn how to work and think with others

“human milieu is social and cultural and it is created by human beings themselves” MerleuPonty

design thinking

Top down editorial, bottom up organic

  • Global editorial, local organic

Circumspection, inspecting problems from diverse perspecive

  • Hold multiple perspectives, the major one being the user… co-create with user but also user community because of many unwritten rules within it

  • Imaginal is critical for dialogos, imaginary is repressing, pushing my

Making a Map of reality (model) that all can subscribe to since language is too ambiguos

Dialogos, Wise solve through dialog, whether with other people or internal dialog with other “persona” involved in the situation (Varvekee ep 43) In continuos dialog with clients, stakeholders

2.3.3 Leaps

Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect within a particular context it is a khh

  • Insight is the ability to understand and comprehend the true nature of a problem or situation, especially by penetrating to its underlying principles or meaning. It is often described as a sudden and intuitive realization or understanding of something, and can be contrasted with more logical or analytical forms of reasoning. insight is often considered to be a form of problem-solving or decision-making that involves the sudden realization of a solution or answer to a problem. This realization may come about through a process of introspection, self-reflection, or deep thinking, and may be accompanied by a feeling of "aha" or sudden understanding.

  • Insight is a proper problem formulation move, so the focus is on the first diamond, problem finding.

  • Connecting pieces from different domains, recognizing similar patterns,

  • Simulation, diversification, selection

Creativity, curiosity

The process of creativity refers to the mental process that individuals go through to produce ideas or concepts that are novel, original, and valuable. This process typically involves the generation of many potential ideas or solutions, the evaluation and selection of the most promising ones, and the development and refinement of those ideas into a final product or solution. The process of creativity is often nonlinear and unpredictable, and may involve periods of intense focus and concentration followed by moments of insight or inspiration. It can be influenced by a wide range of factors, such as the individual's experiences, knowledge, emotions, goals, and motivations.


Exhaptation is the process of taking an existing structure or function that was developed for one purpose and adapting it for a new or different purpose. This process is often used in biology and evolutionary theory to explain how organisms can acquire new abilities or adapt to new environments.

“The creative act consists in combining previously unrelated structure so that you get more out of emerging whole than you put in” Arthur Koestler

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
— Mark Twain
  • lorem

  • “Sensemaking: John Varvekee, Nassim Taleb, Yunkaporta, Daniel S, Jordan Hall, M Pageau, Simon H., Ian McG,


2.2 Iterating


3.1 Surviving